Installing beta drivers (Windows)

Before installing beta drivers, be sure to update your version of SBIG Driver Checker 64 from Once you have the latest version, you can proceed with the instructions below. If you're participating in a beta, you should have received a zip file containing a beta version of sbigudrv.dll — you will (obviously) also need it before proceeding with the install.

Beta drivers will typically be named something along the lines of, where v#.##b# corresponds to the major, minor, and build number of SBIGUDrv.

Note: Never redistribute a beta driver under any circumstance.

Performing the Install

First, we'll need to make a backup copy of your existing driver:

  1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System,
  2. make a copy of sbigudrv.dll,
  3. place the copy somewhere easily accessible (e.g. %UserProfile%/sbigudrv_backup).

Next, we can install the provided beta version.

  1. Extract the *.zip folder given to you by SBIG staff to some place safe (e.g. %UserProfile%/sbigudrv_beta),
  2. Copy the extracted %UserProfile%/sbigudrv_beta/sbigudrv.dll to C:\Windows\System, replacing any existing copy of sbigudrv.dll.

To verify the install:

  1. Open SBIG Driver Checker 64,
  2. verify that the version of sbigudrv.dll matches

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